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Thetford Porta Potti Qube 335 Camping Toilet

Black friday

Thetford Porta Potti Qube 335 Camping Toilet

A family size portable toilet with a high capacity waste holding tank and a natural seating height. Features: White finish, Manual flush, piston pump, Integrated pour-out spout, Integrated cover-lock on all models. Benefits: Modern, refreshed design, Improved valve handle system, Improved carry handle of the waste holding tank, Improved seating...
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Camping Toilet Thetford Porta Potti Qube 335 Camping Toilet

Thetford Porta Potti Qube 335 Camping Toilet

£ 123
£ 147.70
- 17 %

Product code: 11676 | ID: 269476

Thetford Porta Potti Qube 335 Camping Toilet

A family size portable toilet with a high capacity waste holding tank and a natural seating height. Features: White finish, Manual flush, piston pump, Integrated pour-out spout, Integrated cover-lock on all models. Benefits: Modern, refreshed design, Improved valve handle system, Improved carry handle of the waste holding tank, Improved seating comfort. Waste-holding tank capacity – 10 l. Flush-water tank capacity – 10 l. Seating height – 308 mm. Dimensions: 313 x 342 x 382 mm. Weight – 3,3 kg.



10 L/Waste Capacity, 10 L/Capacity For Clean Water

Dimensions and Weight


30,5 x 34,3 x 38,1 cm


3,3 kg


Made in


5 / 5

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Seamus L.

ie Flag



Exactly what I ordered, arrived earlier than expected, good service!

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Andrej L.

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Super rýchlo a jednoducho dodané. Spokojnosť na 100%

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josiane p.

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Odporúča produkt

Tradične kvalitný výrobok, ale veľmi chýba absencia "štartovacích"náplní Aqua Rinse a Aque Kem, ktoré u starších modelov boli súčasťou dodávky. Flašky pre "štartovacie" náplne majú v spodnej časti toalety (aj v novom modeli 335) vytvorený odkladací priestor, a tak sa skvele hodili aj pre sekundárne "záložné" náplne pre dlhodobejšie karavaningové podujatia. Takto sa musia náhradné náplne nosiť osobitne mimo toaletu a užívateľ má teda o dve veci na "nezabudnutie" naviac.

Plusy: Keďže som potreboval toaletu čo najmenších rozmerov do campera na karavaning, rozhodol som sa pre najnovší a najmenší model 335. V minulosti som mal už jednu podobnú toaletu od toho istého výrobcu a dlhé roky perfektne slúžila a slúži na chate. Do campera sa nehodí pre väčšie rozmery.

Mínusy: Thetford Porta Potti má vždy v spodnej časti vytvorený aj odkladací priestor "Storage for toilet fluids" pre dve menšie plastové flašky hranatých rozmerov ako "záložné" náplne do hornej a dolnej časti toalety, aby užívateľ nemusel nosiť osobitne dve ďalšie fľaše s týmito náplňami. Tento priestor má vytvorený aj model 335, ale prekvapujúco bol prázdny. Ani v priložených materiáloch sa neuvádza, že náhradné náplne (resp. tzv. "štartovacie" náplne) sú súčasťou dodávky. Čiže ich tam výrobca nepochopiteľne nedal. Vytvára priestor konkurencii, aby sa používali náplne iných výrobcov? Viac ako chýbajúca štartovacia náplň (Aqua RInse a Aqua Kem) človeka mrzí, že plastové flaštičky daných rozmerov nemá šancu pozháňať, a dokonca nie sú ani v ponuke výrobcu. Takže miesto jednej veci záujemca musí vláčiť tri (toaletu samotnú a dve flaše s náplňami). Ak by to mal mať stacionárne napr. niekde na chate, nie je žiaden problém, ale napr. pri karavaningu sa v camperi každá vec naviac "počíta". Možno teda doporučiť záujemcom o Thetford Porta Potti, aby uprednostnili nákup starším modelov, ktoré sú naviac o tretinu lacnejšie. Tam možno "štartovacie", či rezervné náplne budú súčasťou dodávky.

He recommends the product

A traditionally high-quality product, but the absence of the Aqua Rinse and Aque Kem "starter" refills, which were part of the delivery for older models, is sorely missed. Bottles for "starter" refills have a storage space in the lower part of the toilet (even in the new model 335), so they were also great for secondary "reserve" refills for longer-term caravanning events. In this way, spare refills must be carried separately outside the toilet, and the user thus has two more things to "not forget".

Pros: Since I needed a toilet of the smallest possible dimensions for a camper for caravanning, I decided on the newest and smallest model 335. In the past, I already had a similar toilet from the same manufacturer, and it served perfectly for many years and continues to serve at the cottage. It does not fit in the camper due to its larger dimensions.

Cons: Thetford Porta Potti always has a "Storage for toilet fluids" storage space in the lower part for two smaller square plastic bottles as "backup" fillings for the upper and lower parts of the toilet, so that the user does not have to carry two additional bottles with these fillings separately . Model 335 has also created this space, but it was surprisingly empty. Even in the attached materials, it is not stated that spare refills (or so-called "starter" refills) are part of the delivery. So the manufacturer inexplicably didn't put them there. Does it create room for competition to use cartridges from other manufacturers? More than the missing starter filling (Aqua RInse and Aqua Kem), one regrets that there is no chance to find plastic bottles of the given dimensions, and they are not even in the manufacturer's offer. So, instead of one thing, the interested party has to carry three (the toilet itself and two bottles with refills). If he should have it stationary, e.g. somewhere in the cottage, there is no problem, but e.g. when caravaning, every thing in the camper "counts". It is therefore possible to advise those interested in Thetford Porta Potti to prefer buying older models, which are also a third cheaper. There maybe "starter" or reserve refills will be part of the delivery.

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Odporúča produkt

Plusy: maly, skladny

Mínusy: menej konfortne sedenie vzhladom na rozmery

He recommends the product

Pros: small, compact

Cons: less comfortable seating due to the dimensions

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