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Ollo Audio S5X 1.3 Calibrated Studio Headphones

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Ollo Audio S5X 1.3 Calibrated Studio Headphones

Reference class, open back, dynamic headphones with flat frequency response for binaural/immersive mixing made in the EU. The new 1.3 version now includes USC calibration.SPEAKERHand picked and left / right matched transducers delivering accuracy...
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Original packaging
New, unused product in original packaging. 100 % functional with no signs of usage. Full warranty of at least 2 years applies. Product was purchased, unboxed and returned in non-used condition by a previous customer, or opened only for visual check or to be photographed for eshop.
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In stock 1 piece
Will be shipped on 07.10.2024 ,
Estimated delivery date 14.10.2024
Studio Headphones Ollo Audio S5X 1.3 Calibrated Studio Headphones (Just unboxed)

Ollo Audio S5X 1.3 Calibrated Studio Headphones

£ 418
£ 492.32
- 15 %

Product code: 962493 | ID: 962493

Ollo Audio S5X 1.3 Calibrated Studio Headphones

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Original packaging
New, unused product in original packaging. 100 % functional with no signs of usage. Full warranty of at least 2 years applies. Product was purchased, unboxed and returned in non-used condition by a previous customer, or opened only for visual check or to be photographed for eshop.

Reference class, open back, dynamic headphones with flat frequency response for binaural/immersive mixing made in the EU. The new 1.3 version now includes USC calibration.

  • Hand picked and left / right matched transducers delivering accuracy and instrument separation. (+/-1dB SPL tolerance, pink noise, range 100Hz-10kHz in free field*)
  • 50 mm, PET 25u membrane, 2 layered coil, 50 ohms,
  • Dynamic Neodymium speaker with 108dBSPL @ 0 dBu RMS 1KHz 30ohm output that makes them work with smart devices too.
  • Replaceable using home tools.
  • Replaceable earpads with outer diameter of 95 mm(3.75inch), inner diameter of 57.5mm(2.25inch) and depth of 20mm(0.8inch), +/-2.55mm.
  • Perforated hybrid artificial leather and velour earpads to control flow resistance around the earpads seal resulting in smoother response through all frequency bands and improved heat dispersion.
  • 1kHz @ 85dBSPL sweep THD < 0.074%, Variation in frequency response in band from 20Hz to 20kHz ~12 dB SPL* pink noise.
  • Front to back air pressure equalization controlled with Saati flow resistor 3.2Ohms(²)/1cm²
  • Ex-centric and angled speaker in a conical radiation chassis with optimal sound stage for the spatialization of objects in binaural renderer
  • Frequency response tuned for translation of immersive mix between binaural and speaker setup
  • Artificial leather strap
  • Clamping force set for target frequency response on industry standard bitragional diameter of 14.3cm (KEMAR)
  • Stainless spring steel with powder coating
  • 360 earcups rotation with sliders for head size adjustements
  • Strap and steel headband are replaceable using home tools
  • Detachable braided silicone cable employing OFC core to ensure minimal signal distortion.
  • Color labeled L and R jacks (Left is Black)
  • Ball-locking mechanics on the embedded 2.5mm jack plugs
  • Screw on adapter from 3.5mm to 6.3mm jacks (1/8 to 1/4 inch)


Speaker Type


Cable Length

2 m




Active noise cancellation





Frequency Range

Impedance (Ohm)



50 Ohm


Construction Method


Type-A Connector


Sensitivity (dB)



85 dB

Sound Pressure Level - SPL (dB)


Sound Pressure Level (SPL)

108 dB


Package Contents

Adapter 6,3 mm, Audio Cable

Power supply

Battery Operation


Dimensions and Weight

Weight (g)



Made in


5 / 5

Based on the number of reviews: 7

5 7
4 0
3 0
2 0
1 0

All reviews come from verified customers who have purchased a product from us in the past.


Urban P.

si Flag



Amazing sound. Really flat response. They are solid build.

Amazing sound. Really flat response. They are solid build.

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Domenico C.

it Flag



Cuffia davvero molto bella e dal suono fantastico

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Vít K.

cz Flag

Czech Republic



Petr F.

cz Flag

Czech Republic


jedny z nejlepších sluchátek na světě

one of the best headphones in the world

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Petr F.

cz Flag

Czech Republic


CHARAKTERISTIKA • příjemná, prostorová, detailní, měkká, ale ani trochu rozmazaná, návyková • nádherně ušlechtilé vysoké výšky, konkrétní a čisté basy, do prostoru vtahující středy • vysoké rozlišení na ose vepředu/vzadu, perfektně vyklenutý stereo obraz • ve všem velice podobná zvuku našich masteringových monitorů Focal Twin6 • už S4X byla výborná, ale S5X jsou mnohem dál • zajímavé je srovnání s Austrian Hi-X65, které se staly pro mnoho zvukařů a posluchačů hotovou revolucí: • z prostoru máte u S5X velice podobný zážitek jako u X65 • co je ale důležité, že S5X jsou o dost plnější a bohatší, širší, teplejší • basy a nižší středy jsou krásně vřelé, konkrétní a blízké • ať hledáme při poslechu naši referencí jak chceme, tak ve středech je vše super, nenašli jsme jedinou výtku! POUŽITÍ • ideální pro dlouhé nerušené poslechy a mnohahodinovou práci • díky svému velice prostorovému, spíše měkkému a ve středech odsazenému zvuku fungují jako jedny z mála výborně i na mix a mastering • subjektivně se nám líbilo pracovat spíše ve střední až vyšší hlasitosti • spektrálně mají těžiště mírně víc v nižších než vyšších středech • stejně tak je tam spíš víc basů než výšek, ale je to úplně fajn • basy jdou mimochodem extrémně hluboko • model je speciálně vyladěn pro převod imerzního mixu mezi binaurální a reproduktorovou sestavou • měniče směřují ke zvukovodu ucha šikmo, čímž podporují umístění objektů v prostoru • ve srovnání s obdobně oblíbenými Audio-technica ATH-R70X jsou S5X mnohem víc sexy a s probarvenějšími výškami, ale jsou taky přesně 2x tak těžká a na hlavě o nich tedy víte (kdežto u R70X můžete skutečně zapomenout a mít pocit že posloucháte na bednách) • S5X zase vyhrávají s daleko lepší izolovaností od hluku (k vám, i od vás), protože jsou polootevřené koncepce VYBAVENÍ • náušníky jsou příjemné, prodyšné, výměnné • sluchátka jsou plně otočná a posunovatelná • velice dobře drží na hlavě • mechanika uchycení a hlavový most jsou kompletně kovové a působí zcela nezničitelně • taštička, 2m kabel, přiložený certifikát a měření ÚDAJE • měniče jsou 5 cm a ručně vybírané a sladěné k sobě s přesností +/-1 dB, což pomáhá podání sterea a oddělení nástrojů na předozadní ose • s impedancí 50 ohm jste v bezpečí i s jakýmkoliv mobilem či levnou zvukovkou • koncovky kabelu jsou barevně označené, abyste nemuseli stále hledat, která je levá a pravá • váha 420g • manufakturní výroba ve Slovinsku, EU

CHARACTERISTICS • pleasant, spacious, detailed, soft, but not a bit blurry, addictive • beautifully noble highs, concrete and clean bass, drawing mids into the space • high resolution on the front/rear axis, perfectly arched stereo image • in everything very similar to the sound of our Focal Twin6 mastering monitors • the S4X was already excellent, but the S5X are much further • an interesting comparison with the Austrian Hi-X65, which has become a complete revolution for many sound engineers and listeners: • from the space you have a very similar experience with the S5X as with the X65 • but what is important is that the S5X are much fuller and richer, wider, warmer • the bass and lower mids are beautifully warm, specific and close • whether we look for our reference when listening as we want, everything is great in the mids, we did not find a single complaint ! USES • ideal for long undisturbed listening sessions and many hours of work • thanks to their very spatial, rather soft and offset sound, they work as one of the few excellent ones for mixing and mastering • subjectively, we liked working at medium to higher volumes • spectrally, they have a center of gravity slightly more in the lower mids than the higher mids • also there is more bass than treble, but it's totally fine • the bass goes extremely deep by the way • the model is specially tuned to convert the immersion mix between binaural and speaker setup • the drivers are directed towards the ear canal at an angle , thereby supporting the placement of objects in space • compared to the similarly popular Audio-technica ATH-R70X, the S5X are much sexier and with more colorful highs, but they are also exactly 2x as heavy and you know about them in your head (whereas with the R70X you can really forget and feeling like you're listening to boxes) • The S5X wins with much better isolation from noise (to you and from you), because they are a semi-open concept EQUIPMENT • the ear cups are pleasant, breathable, replaceable • the headphones are fully rotatable and movable • they hold very well on the head • mounting mechanism and head bridge are completely metal and seem completely indestructible • carrying case, 2m cable, enclosed certificate and measurements DATA • drivers are 5 cm and hand-picked and matched to each other with an accuracy of +/-1 dB, which helps stereo delivery and the separation of tools on the front-rear axis • with an impedance of 50 ohm, you are safe with any mobile phone or cheap sound system • the ends of the cable are color-coded so you don't have to keep looking for which one is left and right • weight 420g • factory production in Slovenia, EU

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